Here is a list of some of the most frequently asked questions:

  • How do I get to the Powerschool Parent Portal?
  • How  can my student best care for their school issued Chromebook?
    • Answer: Please visit the page called Device Care and Cleaning
  • Can my student bring their own device to school?
    • Answer: Because we care about your student's online safety and data privacy we do NOT allow BYOD devices for grades K-6th. For grades 7th thru 12th we discourage the use of BYOD devices and will only offer limited support. Due to strict state testing requirements all students must test on district issued Chromebooks or PC's and BYOD devices cannot be used. Please read our BYOD agreement here for more details.
  •  What happens If my student damages or loses their district issued device?
    • Answer:  Students are responsible for reporting lost, stolen, or damaged Chromebooks/tablets. Generally, devices will be repaired or replaced, but the details of the incident will determine next steps and liability. A police report must be filed for devices that are reported as stolen. If a device is lost or damaged due to student negligence, the student's parent/guardian will be responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement. 
  •  Does the district offer device insurance?
    • Answer: Yes. You can find information about optional Device Protection Plan HERE.
  •  I am a High School Senior or I am leaving the district, how do I access my Google data?
    • Answer: We will keep your Google data for 90 days after graduation or from the date you leave the district. After that the account is deleted. You may download your Google data by following the steps outlined here.


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